Marketing Research

Our faculty and doctoral students transform the future of marketing with their innovative research. You will find their work in top academic journals. 

Our Areas of Research


Consumer behavior

Consumption emotions

Consumer health and well-being

Consumer psychology

Construction of brand attitudes and brand beliefs

Corporate social responsibility

Empirical modeling

Marketing strategy

New media


Retailing and services marketing

Sales force effectiveness

Sensory marketing

Social marketing


Select Faculty Publications

Brianna Escoe

Escoe, Brianna, Nathanael Martin, and Anthony Salerno, “That’s So Cringeworthy! Understanding What Cringe Is and Why We Want to Share It,” conditionally accepted at the Journal of Marketing Research.

Salerno, Anthony and Brianna Escoe (2020), “Resource Scarcity Increases the Value of Pride,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5(4), 458-69.

Kardes, Frank, Brianna Escoe, and Ruomeng Wu (2019), “Response Latency Methodology in Consumer Psychology” in Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, ed. Frank R. Kardes, Paul M. Herr, and Norbet Schwarz, New York: Routledge, 132-42.

Aaron Gleiberman

Rast, R., Gleiberman, A., and White, J. (2020). The hidden power of franchising curriculum: Delivering value to underrepresented groups. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(2).

Andrew Kuo

Fennell, P., Coleman, J., and Kuo, A. (2020). The Moderating Role of Donation Quantifiers on Price Fairness Judgments. Journal of Business Research, 120(March), 464-473.

Kuo, A., Hiler, J., and Lutz, R. J (2017). From Super Mario to Skyrim: A Framework for the Evolution of Video Game Consumption. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(2), 101-120.

Kuo, A., Lutz, R. J, and Hiler, J. L (2016). Brave New World of Warcraft: A Conceptual Framework for Active Escapism. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(7).

Kuo, A., Rice, D. H., and Fennell, P. (2016). How Fitting! The Influence of Fence-Context Fit on Price Discrimination Fairness. Journal of Business Research, 69(8).

Kuo, A. and Rice, D. H. (2015). Catch and Shoot: The Influence of Advergame Mechanics on Preference Formation. Psychology and Marketing, 32(2), 162-172.

Kuo, A. and Rice, D. H. (2015). The Impact of Perceptual Congruence on the Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 78-88.

Janiszewski, C., Kuo, A., and Tavassoli, N. T (2013). The Influence of Selective Attention and Inattention to Products on Subsequent Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6).

Kris Lindsey Hall

Lindsey-Hall, K. K, Jaramillo, S., Baker, T. L, and Arnold, J. (2020). Authenticity, Rapport, and Interactional Justice in Frontline Service: The Moderating Role of Need for Uniqueness. Journal of Services Marketing, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), ahead-of-print.

Abosag, I., Baker, T. L, Lindsey Hall, K., Voulgari, A., and Zheng, X. (2017). Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece. International Business Review, 26(3), 566 578.

Richey, Jr., R. Glenn, Morgan, T. R, Lindsey-Hall, K., and Adams, F. G (2016). A Global Exploration of Big Data in the Supply Chain. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46(8), 710 739.

Lindsey Hall, K., Baker, T. L, Andrews, M. C, Hunt, T. G, and Rapp, A. A (2016). The Importance of Product/Service Quality for Frontline Marketing Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24(1), 23 41.

Andrew R. Long

Schley, D., De Langhe, B., and Long, A. (2020). System 1 is Not Scope Insensitive: A New Dual-Process Account of Subjective Value. Journal of Consumer Research, 47(4), 566-587.

Long, A., Fernbach, P. M., and De Langhe, B. (2018). Circle of Incompetence: Sense of Understanding as an Improper Guide to Investment Risk. Journal of Marketing Research, 55(4), 474-488.

Donald James Lund

Lund, D. J, Hansen, J., Robicheaux, R., and Cid, C.. The Direct and Interactive Effects of Retail Community Engagement. European Journal of Marketing.

Hinsch, C., Tang, E., and Lund, D. J. Compulsion and Reactance: Why Do Some Green Consumers Fail To Follow Through With Planned Environmental Behaviors?. Psychology and Marketing.

Hinsch, C., Tang, E., Lund, D. J, and Kharouf, H. (2020). Service gifts, collective social connection and reciprocity. European Journal of Marketing, 54(10), 2477-2500.

Kharouf, H., Lund, D. J, Krallman, A., and Pullig, C. (2020). A Signaling Theory Approach to Relationship Recovery. European Journal of Marketing, 54(9), 2139-2170.

Kharouf, H. and Lund, D. J (2018). An Empirical Examination of Organizational Trust Recovery: Influences and Implications. European Management Review.

Hansen, J. D, Lund, D. J, and DeCarlo, T. E (2016). A Process Model of Buyer Responses to Salesperson Transgressions and Recovery Efforts: The Impact of Salesperson Orientation. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 36(1), 59-73.

Kozlenkova, I. V, Hult, T., Lund, D. J, Mena, J., and Kekec, P. (2015). The Role of Marketing Channels in Supply Chain Management. Journal of Retailing, 91(4), 586-609.

Kharouf, H., Lund, D. J, and Sekhon, H. (2014). Building Trust by Signaling Trustworthiness in Service Retail. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(5), 361-373.

Lund, D. J and Marinova, D. (2014). Managing Revenue Across Retail Channels: The Interplay of Service Performance and Direct Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 78(5), 99-118.

Lund, D. J, Scheer, L. K, and Kozlenkova, I. V (2013). Culture's Impact on the Importance of Fairness in Interorganizational Relationships. Journal of International Marketing, 21(4), 21-43.

Miao, F. C, Lund, D. J, and Evans, K. R. (2009). Re-examining the Influence of Career Stages on Salesperson Motivation: A Cognitive and Affective Perspective. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 29(3), 243-255.

Ronald W. Niedrich

Fukawa, N. and Niedrich, R. W. (2015). A Fluency Heurstic Account of Supraliminal Prime Effects on Product Preference. Psychology and Marketing, 32(11), 1061-1075.

Folse, J. Anne Garretson, Niedrich, R. W., and Grau, S. Landreth (2010). Cause-Relating Marketing: The Effects of Purchase Quantity and Firm Donation Amount on Consumer Inferences and Participation Intentions. Journal Of Retailing, 86(4), 295-309.

Niedrich, R. W., Weathers, D., Hill, R. Carter, and Bell, D. R. (2009). Specifying Price Judgments with Range-Frequency Theory in Models of Brand Choice. Journal Of Marketing Research, 46(5), 693-702.

Reynolds, K., Gilkeson, J. H., and Niedrich, R. W. (2009). The Influence of Seller Strategy on the Winning Price in Online Auctions: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Business Research, 62(1), 22-30.

Niedrich, R. W. and Swain, S. D. (2008). The Effects of Exposure-Order and Market Entry-Information on Brand Preference: A Dual Process Model. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 36(3), 309-321.

Swain, S. D., Weathers, D., and Niedrich, R. W. (2008). Assessing Three Explanations for Misresponse to Negated Likert Items. Journal Of Marketing Research, 45(1), 116-131.

Niedrich, R. W., Kiryanova, E., and Black, W. C. (2005). The Dimensional Stability of the Standards Used in the Disconfirmation Paradigm. Journal Of Retailing, 81(1), 49-57.

Weathers, D., Sharma, S., and Niedrich, R. W. (2005). The Impact of the Number of Scale Points, Dispositional Factors, and the Status Quo Decision Heuristic on Scale Reliability and Accuracy. Journal of Business Research, 58(11), 1516-1524.

Garretson, J. A. and Niedrich, R. W. (2004). Spokes-Characters: Creating Character Trust and Positive Brand Attitudes. Journal of Advertising, 33, 25-36.

Niedrich, R. W. and Swain, S. D. (2003). The Influence of Pioneer Status and Experience Order on Consumer Brand Preference: A Mediated Effects Model. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 31, 468-480.

Niedrich, R. W., Sharma, S., and Wedell, D. H. (2001). Reference Price and Price Perceptions: A Comparison of Alternative Models. Journal Of Consumer Research, 28, 339-354.

Sharma, S., Niedrich, R. W., and Dobbins, G. (1999). A Framework for Monitoring Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Illustration. Industrial Marketing Management, 28(3), 231-243.

Dan H. Rice

Lastner, M., Fennell, P., Folse, J. Anne Garretson, Rice, D. H., and Porter III, M. (2019). I Guess That's Fair: How the Efforts of Other Customers Influence Buyer Price Fairness Perceptions. Psychology and Marketing, 36, 700-715.

Rice, D. H., Cooke, A. D.J., and Zheng, Y. (2019). The impact of bundle comparisons on bundle preference. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32, 297-316.

Pounders, K. R, Rice, D. H., and Mabry-Flynn, A. (2017). Understanding How Goal-striving, Goal Orientation, and Shame Influence Self-perceptions after Exposure to Models in Advertising. Psychology and Marketing, 34(5), 538-555.

Kuo, A., Rice, D. H., and Fennell, P. (2016). How Fitting! The Influence of Fence-Context Fit on Price Discrimination Fairness. Journal of Business Research, 69(8).

Kuo, A. and Rice, D. H. (2015). Catch and Shoot: The Influence of Advergame Mechanics on Preference Formation. Psychology and Marketing, 32(2), 162-172.

Moulard, J. Guidry, Garrity, C. Popp, and Rice, D. H. (2015). What Makes a Human Brand Authentic? Identifying the Antecedents of Celebrity Authenticity. Psychology and Marketing, 32(2), 173-186.

Kuo, A. and Rice, D. H. (2015). The Impact of Perceptual Congruence on the Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 78-88.

Moulard, J. Guidry, Rice, D. H., Garrity, C. Popp, and Mangus, S. (2014). Artist Authenticity: How Artists' Passion and Commitment Shape Consumers' Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions. Psychology and Marketing, 31(8), 576-590.

Rice, D. H., Fay, S., and Xie, J. (2014). Probabilistic Selling vs. Markdown Selling: Price Discrimination and Management of Demand Uncertainty in Retailing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(2), 147-155.

Kelting, K. and Rice, D. H. (2013). Should we hire David Beckham to endorse our brand? Contextual interference and consumer memory for brands in a celebrity's endorsement portfolio . Psychology and Marketing, 30(7), 602-613.
Rice, D. H., Kelting, K., and Lutz, R. J. (2012). Multiple endorsers and multiple endorsements: The influence of message repetition, source congruence and involvement on brand attitudes. Journal Of Consumer Psychology, 22(2), 249-259.

Jianan Wu

Lu, S., Wu, J., and Tseng, S. Allen (2018). How Online Reviews Become Helpful: A Dynamic Perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 44(November), 17-28.

Wu, J. (2017). Review Popularity and Review Helpfulness: The Effectiveness of Online User Reviews. Decision Support Systems, 97(May), 92-103.

Wu, Y. and Wu, J. (2016). The Impact of User Review Volume on Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay: A Consumer Uncertainty Perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 33(February), 43-56.

Wu, J., Wu, Y., Sun, J., and Yang, Z. (2013). How Much Are Buyers Willing To Pay? A Two Stage Model of Uncertainty Assessment with Online User Reviews . Decision Support Systems, 55(1), 175-185.

Wu, J. and Ayala, E. (2013). The Role of Online Seller Reviews and Product Price on Buyers' Willingness-To-Pay: A Risk Perspective . European Journal of Information Systems, 22(4), 416-433.

Allen, G. and Wu, J. (2010). How Well Do Shopbots Represent Online Markets? A Study of Shopbots' Vendor Coverage Strategy . European Journal Of Information Systems, 19(June), 257-272.

Wu, J., Cook, V., and Strong, E. (2005). A Two-Stage Model of Promotional Performance of Pure Online Players. Information Systems Research, 16(4), 334-351.

Wu, J. and Rangaswamy, A. (2003). A Fuzzy Set Model of Search and Consideration with An Application to An Online Market.. Marketing Science, 22(3), 411-434.

DeSarbo, W. and Wu, J. (2001). The Joint Spatial Representation of Multiple Data Sets Collected in Marketing Research. Journal Of Marketing Research, 38(2), 244-253.

Degeratu, A., Rangaswamy, A., and Wu, J. (2000). Consumer Choice Behavior in Online and Traditional Supermarkets: The Effects of Brand Name, Price, and other Search Attributes. International Journal Of Research In Marketing, 17(1), 55-78.


Journal Editors

Department of Marketing faculty serving as editors of peer-reviewed academic journals, provide subject-matter expertise and thought leadership on the latest examinations of marketing-related scholarship.

Kris Lindsey Hall

  • Journal of Service Management 
    – Editorial Advisory Board Member 

Donald James Lund

  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
    – Editorial Review Board Member
  • Journal of Retailing
    – Editorial Review Board Member

Jianan Wu

  • Journal of Interactive Marketing
    – Editorial Review Board Member