Black and white photo of students from the Gulf Scholars Program summer 2024


Welcome to the LSU Gulf Scholars Program

Logo for the LSU Gulf Scholars Program


The LSU Gulf Scholars Program (GSP) aims to prepare undergraduate students from any major to address challenges and issues facing the gulf south region. LSU Gulf Scholars will participate in immersive projects, courses, excursions and activities focused on supporting people, ecosystems and industries in and around the Gulf South. 

Contact us at and follow us on Instagram @lsu_gsp


Undergraduate students posing for a group photo

Members of the first cohort of Gulf Scholars, the "Magnificent Frigatebirds"

Undergraduate students posing for a group photo

Members of the second cohort of Gulf Scholars, the "Mardi Gars"


Meet the LSU Gulf Scholars

Student Major Gulf Impact Project - Summer 2024 Faculty Mentor
Jay Bonilla Hernandez Psychology Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding, and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Jack Bourgeois Coastal Environmental Science Diversity of Infaunal Invertebrates in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Barataria Bay, LA Dr. Cassandra Glaspie
Frank Bussott Coastal Environmental Science The Analysis of Salinity Intrusion in a River-Dominated Delta: An Idealized Numerical Modeling Study Dr. Matt Hiatt
Leslie Castaneda Environmental Engineering Acclimation of Coastal Grasses to Saline Water Used for Restoration of the Gulf Coast United States Dr. Edward Bush
Karrie Cheng Mass Communication Solid Waste Water for Aquaculture Processors: Analysis of Wastewater Effluent and Solid Waste for Louisiana Processors Dr. M.P. Hayes
Emerson Eccles Coastal Environmental Science Integrating multiple threats to global sustainability Dr. Brian Snyder
Lauren Ejiaga Psychology Potential Links Between Water Quality in ATU-influenced Ditches and Mosquito Proliferation in Southeastern Louisiana Dr. Aaron Bivins
Jana Giles Biological Sciences Louisiana Deltaic Estuaries: Sea Level Rise Sentinels Dr. Cassandra Glaspie
Roan Guidry Political Science The Origins of Coastal Wetland Conservation Efforts in Louisiana Dr. Andy Nyman
Gavin Juge Sociology Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding, and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Zachary Legier Mechanical Engineering Soft, tactile robotic gripper for marine sampling and monitoring Dr. Robert Herbert
Christopher Lowrey-Dufour Coastal Environmental Science Exploring Environmental Toxicity through EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) Activity Dr. Jon Doering
Mallory Miller Natural Resource Ecology & Management Linkages Among Limpkins, Apple Snails and Mussels Dr. Sammy King
William Morales Computer Science A Sociolinguistic Study of Intensification in the Spanish of Louisianian Puerto Ricans Dr. Rafael Orozco
Victoria Nguyen Natural Resource Ecology & Management Comparative Population Genomics of Gulf Coast Birds Dr. Nicholas Mason
Jaylynn Powe Studio Art Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding, and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Stephanie Procopio Coastal Environmental Science Weather Event Impacts on Soil Characteristics of a Salt Marsh in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana Dr. Songjie He
Long Tran Civil Engineering Collecting Data to Prepare for Statewide Road Diet Screening Dr. Rebecca Bian
Lauren Vogel Natural Resource Ecology & Management Using fatty acids and stable isotopes to identify trophic niche partitioning between crawfish and invasive apple snails in crawfish ponds of Louisiana Dr. Sydney Moyo
Dan Vu Microbiology Characterization of Swimming Behavior in Karenia brevis Dr. Naohiro Kato
Shalanda Warr Studio Art Freshwater Mussels of Louisiana Poster Dr. Garrett Hopper
Katherine Winchester Computer Science Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Gulf South Region Ecosystem Monitoring Dr. Xiangyu Meng


Student Major / Degree Gulf Impact Project - Summer 2023 Faculty Mentor
Joseph Brooks Landscape Architecture No Place Like LaPlace: A Green Infrastructure Network for Stormwater Management Dr. Nicholas Serrano
Jennifer Cagnolatti Biological Sciences Evaluation of Altered Nutrient Conditions on Algal Growth During Dynamic Co-Culture Dr. Sibel Bargu Ates
Emma Carlo B.A. Sociology - Fall 2023 Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Brooke Chouest B.F.A. Studio Art - Spring 2024 Blood in the Water, Water in the Lungs Dr. Johanna Warwick 
Nonnie “Betsy” Cook Coastal Environmental Science Enabling Predictive Toxicology Assessments to Determine Whether
Pollution is Contributing to the Decline of Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico and Beyond 
Dr. Jon Doering 
Alcina Costa Computer Engineering Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Carlie Dutile Biological Engineering Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt Complexes for the
Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrite in Water 
Dr. Noemie Elgrishi
Victor Gischler Music Louisiana: Sounds of the Coast Dr. Brian Nabors 
Jamarion Johnson Natural Resource Ecology and Management Vulnerability of Spartina patens Marshes to Sea-Level Rise Dr. Tracy Quirk
Jonathan Russell  Coastal Environmental Science Are Increasing Global Sea Temperatures Linked to Changing
Tropical Cyclone Induced Tornadic Distribution along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coast? 
Dr. Robert Rohli 
Dakota Sievers Coastal Environmental Science Regenerating or Ghost Forest? A.E. LeBlanc Woods Natural Area Dr. Linda Hooper-Bui 
Neil Tepper B.A. Political Science - Spring 2024 Callin’ Baton Rouge: 311 Calls, Flooding and Environmental Justice Dr. Kevin Smiley
Patricia Thibodeaux Animal Sciences  Comparing Arthropod and Plant Communities Across
Natural and Man-Made Brackish Marshes in Coastal Louisiana 
Dr. Michael Polito
Landry Tucker Chemistry  Sediment Core Analysis of a Well-Preserved Underwater
Baldcypress Forest in the Northern Gulf of Mexico 
Dr. Kristine DeLong
Treasure Wells Psychology The Louisiana Early Childhood Teachers Oral History Project Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner
Jameson Woodall Coastal Environmental Science Sedimentary History of the Mississippi River Pass-a-Loutre Outlet Dr. Sam Bentley 


apply to the lsu gulf scholars program

We are not accepting new student applicants at this time. Applications were due by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 3, 2024. Check back Fall 2025. 

Applicant Requirements: 

  • Must have at least 3 semesters remaining as a full-time undergraduate (Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2025).
  • For summer 2025 Gulf Impact Projects: Must be available in-person in Baton Rouge between May 27 - August 15, 2025.
  • Must have a minimum 2.5 college GPA.
  • Must be in good standing with the University.


Check out some of the engaging activities and trips the Gulf Scholars participate in!

Group photo of the Gulf Scholars on a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Gulf Scholars with a gar caught during a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Gulf Scholars observing a black drum caught during a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Gulf Scholars learning about species of plants along the gulf coast.

Gulf Scholar observing plant species while on a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Practicing throwing cast nets at Milford Wampold Memorial Park in Baton Rouge.Gulf Scholars on a trip to Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge to see the largest bald cypress tree in the United States.Scholars standing on new land in the gulf while on a trip to Buras, Louisiana.

Scholars observing fish caught from a cast net during an activity at Milford Wampold Memorial Park in Baton Rouge.Group photo of the Gulf Scholars on a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Scholar standing on new land in the gulf while on a trip to Buras, Louisiana.Scholars identifying fish caught from a cast net during an activity at Milford Wampold Memorial Park in Baton Rouge.

In the press

Grant award announcement | October 6, 2022: 

Program announcement article in The Reveille | October 27, 2022: 

Catching up with CC&E's Gulf Scholars | July 31, 2023: 

LSU Gumbo Yearbook academic year 2023 - 2024: 

Gulf Scholars participating in MissDelta summer 2024 | December 10, 2024: 

Two LSU Gulf Scholars featured on "Echoes from the Deep" podcast Episode 4: Point Sur | February 2025 


Meet our team:

Program Director
Dr. Linda Hooper-Bùi: Professor, Environmental Sciences

Program Manager
Ella Magerl


Leadership Team:

Dr. Jacqueline Bach: Vice Provost of Academic Programs & Support Services; Elena and Albert LeBlanc Professor, English Education & Curriculum Theory

Sarah Ferstel: Director, LSU Office of Undergraduate Research

Dr. Debbie Goldgaber: Director, LSU Ethics Institute; Associate Professor and Section Head, Philosophy

Dr. Margaret Reams: Associate Director for Community Engagement, LSU Institute for Energy Innovation; Joseph D. Martinez Professor of Environmental Sciences

Dr. Clint Willson: Director, Center for River Studies; Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Water Institute of the Gulf