Institutional Effectiveness Council

The Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC), under the direction of the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA), serves as a steering committee to provide oversight for institutional effectiveness functions across academic, support, and administrative units. 


The IEC provides recommendations for guiding institutional effectiveness policies and procedures by promoting a continuous improvement framework to achieve expected outcomes and to meet related SACSCOC expectations, including the following objective set forth in the IEC Bylaws:

  • 1.2.a. Student Learning Outcomes
    The IEC provides guidance in developing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures to enhance the assessment of student learning outcomes for all degree programs, stand-alone academic certificates, and units defined as academic support and student services. [Note: Oversight for general education program assessment is provided by the Faculty Senate Integrated Learning Core Committee with support from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.]
  • 1.2.b. Administrative/Operational Outcomes
    The IEC provides guidance in developing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures to enhance the assessment of administrative/operational outcomes in conjunction with the university’s strategic planning annual reporting requirements.
  • 1.2.c. Program Review
    The IEC provides oversight for the academic program review process, which is required for all degree programs and stand-alone academic certificates. The IEC recognizes those degree programs with specialized accreditation may be eligible for a modified program review. In addition, administrative program review is handled on an ad hoc basis as requested by the administration or the unit.

Contact Us

Tara Rose
Associate Vice Provost


Lee Daigle
Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator



Related Documents

IEC Bylaws


To accomplish the purpose, the IEC is charged with the following:

  • Advising the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) for opportunities to strengthen the institution’s continuous improvement activities.
  • Assisting in reviews of annual outcomes activities (i.e., plans, reports, etc.) to provide a comprehensive feedback loop.
  • Communicating with associated groups across campus to promote assessment efforts and to help inform of processes, timelines, etc.
  • Leading the internal review process for academic and administrative program reviews, including approving external reviewers, serving as chair for an internal committee, and developing recommendations based on the internal review.
  • Recommending considerations for professional development opportunities related to institutional effectiveness (e.g., workshops, speakers, topical resources).
  • Reviewing policies, procedures, structures, and systems periodically to seek opportunities for improvements across all facets of institutional effectiveness.
  • Serving on functional IEC work groups to accomplish the charge.


The IEC membership is representative of the academic, support, and administrative units so as to promote collaboration, enhance communication, and facilitate institutional effectiveness activities. IEC members serve a three-year term that may be renewed; appointments begin with the fall semester.


Unit Represented Member Title Term
Institutional Effectiveness Tara Rose Associate Vice Provost  
Associate Dean Academic Council Sibel Bargu Ates Associate Dean, Coast & Environment 2023-26


Faculty Representatives (appointed by college)

Unit Represented Member Title Term
College of Agriculture Zhi-Yuan Chen Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology 2024-27
College of Art & Design Tom Sofranko Professor, Architecture 2023-26
College of Business Michael Johnson Associate Professor, Rucks Department of Management 2024-27
College of Coast & Environment Stephen Midway Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences 2023-26
College of Engineering Vacant    
College of Human Sciences & Education Eugene Kennedy Associate Dean for Academic Programs & Institutional Effectiveness | Interim Director, School of Education 2024-27
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Lori Martin Associate Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences 2024-27
Law Center John Church Associate Professor, Law Center 2023-26
LSU Libraries Andrea Hebert Research Impact Librarian, Scholarly Publications & Analytics 2025-28
School of Mass Communication Roxanne Dill Journalism Area Head, Senior Instructor 2024-27
College of Music & Dramatic Arts George Judy Professor of Acting and Directing, School of Theatre 2024-27
College of Science Martin Tzanov Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy 2023-26
School of Veterinary Medicine Emily C. Erwin Associate Professor of Curricular Analytics, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences 2024-27
Student Body  Dhriti Shastri Student Representative  2024-27


Ex officio Members (non-voting)

Unit Represented Member Title
Institutional Effectiveness Lee Daigle Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator