Happy Award Recipients


Recipients Affiliation
BREC Farr Park Equestrian Center Hearts & Hooves Program Community Partner; Wren Brumfield, Riding Instructor; Camille Chapman, Education Program Specialist; Charles "Bo" Jones, Farr Park Volunteer of the Year; Afnan Mansour, Riding Instructor; Melissa Wood, Special Interest Facility Manager
Jennifer Cramer Director, T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History
Ashton Dalton Senior, Animal Sciences
Emily Demps Senior, Management 
LSU Football in Senegal Study Abroad Faculty, staff, and student S-L partnership
Saylor Higgins Senior, Animal Sciences
Dr. Elaine Maccio Associate Professor, Associate Director and MSW Program Director, LSU School of Social Work, College of Human Sciences and Education
Dr. Langley McClay Director, LSU Pre-College Programs and Future Scholars, Office of Enrollment Management & Student Success
S-L Partnership between Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency (LOPA) and LSU Community partner and faculty,; Alisa Prather, Associate, Harris, Deville & Associates; Lori Steele, Community Educator & Media Specialist, LOPA; Sadie Wilks, Instructor, Manship School of Mass Communication
Dr. Danielle Thomas Instructor, Sociology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Recipients Affiliation
Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner Associate Professor, LSU School of Education, College of Human Sciences and Education
Renée Boutte Myer Assistant Dean for Advocacy, Collaboration & Engagement, College of Human Sciences and Education
Dr. Oliver Crocco Assistant Professor, LSU School of Leadership and Human Resource Development, College of Human Sciences and Education
Justin Martin Graduate student, LSU Department of History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Angel Puder Senior, Political Science and African & African American Studies
Cindy Seghers Director of Career Development, LSU Ogden Honors College
Franklin Parish Economic Development Community Partner; Sam Sheppard, Carmen Sims, and Sandy Robinson
Phillip St. Cyr Community Partner; Youth City Lab Youth Council Coordinator, Front Yard Bikes
Joennis Reyes Junior, Biological Engineering
Kelli Webber Associate Registrar for Courses and Curricula, LSU Office of the University Registrar


Recipients Affiliation
Dr. Kevin Bongiorni Ubaye Valley Professor of French Studies & Lillian Defelice and Sampson J. Petit Professorship in French for Business, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Cassandra Chaney J. Franklin Bayhi Endowed Professor, School of Social Work, College of Human Sciences and Education
Dr. Murelle G. Harrison  The Gardere Initiative Executive Director
Lauren Hynson Senior, Biological Engineering
The Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired & The Louisiana School for the Deaf (LSVI & LALSD) Community Partners
Seija Meaux Senior, Geology
Dr. Darica Simon Baton Rouge Community College Upward Bound TRiO Program Director
Kennedy Simon Senior, Psychology
Ashton Weber Senior, Biological Engineering 
Dr. Chun Yang Darlene and Thomas O. Ryder Professor, Manship School of Mass Communications


Recipients Affiliation
 Dr. Dorin Boldor  LSU Biological & Agricultural Engineering (BAE) Associate Professor & Charles P. Siess Jr. Professor
Dr. Cynthia DiCarlo W.H. "Bill" LeBlanc Endowed Alumni Professor and Executive Director at the LSU Early Childhood Education Laboratory Preschool 
Dr. Janene Grodesky LSU School of Kinesiology Instructor & Coordinator of Physical Activity & Health
Dr. Erin Richard LSU Leadership and Human Resource Development Assistant Professor 
Beyond Gymnastics  Community Partner
Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response (STAR)  Community Partner
Jacob Brumfield LSU Campus Life Director
Audrey Barton Senior, Interdisciplinary Studies
Brendan Cummings Senior, Mass Communications
Ashlyn Suchand Senior, Psychology and English


Recipients Affiliation
Holly Annison & Patrick Newcomb Associate Registrar and Assistant Registrar for Courses and Curricula (respectively), LSU Registrar
Troy Robertson Assistant Director of Information and Technology, University College
Laurie Drummond Instructor, English
Laurie Font Former Volunteer Coordinator, Companion Animal Alliance
Harli Lockhart Senior, Dual Certification in Elementary and Special Education
Mae Anne Mangaoil Senior, Chemical Engineering
Caila Palmer Senior, Psychology
Nicholas "Nick" Totaro Instructor, and Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
St. James Place Community Partner



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Dr. Jinx C. Broussard Professor, Manship School of Mass Communication
Randa Lopez Morgan & David Dunaway LSU Libraries
Tia Jordan Senior, English
Mary Ellen Day Community Partner, Physical Science Teacher, Iberville Math, Science and Arts Academy
Sadie Wilks Instructor, Manship School of Mass Communication
Samantha Aldridge Junior, Sociology
Maria Musso Junior, Music Education
Stephanie Elwood Extension Associate with the Community School Garden Programs at Southern University Ag Center
Katherine McKenzie Science Teacher, Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired (LSVI)
Kathy Coleman Community Partner, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Information Center of Louisiana


Recipients Affiliation
Chloe Riviere Senior, Political Science and International Studies
Alexandra Williams CCELL Graduate Assistant
Knock Knock Children's Museum Cate Heroman & Peter Olson
Sarah Gaurisco Swanner Friends of the Animals
Kameryn Poullard Junior, Child and Family Studies
Ollie Doucette  Baton Rouge Garden Alliance/Garden of Champions
Elizabeth Sherman Junior, Biological Sciences
John White Professor, Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Estanislado (Stan) Barrera IV Assistant Professor, School of Education
Irina Shport Assistant Professor, Department of English


Recipients Affiliation
Jun Zou Associate Professor, School of Interior Design
Kim Skinner Assistant Professor, School of Education
Sarah Christian Sophomore, Honors College, Psychology
Alejandra Torres Graduate Student, Department of English
Grady Stewart Junior, Mass Communication
Alzheimer’s Service of the Capital Area Community Partner
Rick Moreland Professor, Department of English
Paula Shaw Companion Animal Alliance
Dustin LaFont Front Yard Bikes
Josh Dean Assistant Director for Service, Campus Life


Recipients Affiliation
James Honeycutt Professor, Communication Studies
Victoria Cantelli Senior, Kinesiology
Kenneth Fasching-Varner Associate Professor, School of Education, College of Human Sciences and Education
Jensen Moore Assistant Professor, Manship School of Mass Communication
Chauncey Stephens Senior, Elementary Grades Education
Tony J. Pryer and Judy K. Bethly Volunteers In Public Schools
Katelyn McCoy & Eric Brown

CCELL Student Workers

Barry Aronhime Instructor, Biological Sciences, College of Science
Kurt Ristroph Senior, Chemical Engineering & Classical Civilizations
Aldreamer Smith Baton Rouge Garden Alliance


Recipients Affiliation
Christy Foreman Former Faculty (retired), English                                                                                                                     
Paige Davis Faculty, Construction Management
Theresa Townsend Leo S. Butler Center
Melissa Bellow Carver Branch Library
Mina Posey McKinley High School
Judy Myhand Faculty, Nutrition & Food Sciences
Christy Kayser Arrazette Director of Center for Community & Civic Engagement at USM
Lori Martin Faculty, Sociology
Christopher Miguez Student, Kinesiology
Whitney Miller Student, Nutrition & Food Sciences


Recipients Affiliation
Joyce Jackson Associate Professor, Geography & Anthropology and African American Studies
Jeffery Nunn Andrew Clinton Pereboom Alumni Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Andrea Morris Associate Professor, Foreign Languages & Literatures
Debra Kopsco & Stephanie Kurtz Instructors, Mathematics
Linda Cross Student, Honors College, Biological Enginneering
Mary Stein Assistant Library Director, East Baton Rouge Library
Kevin Lewis Supervisor, Operations Pathways 
BREC Community Partner, Claire Coco
Chaiss Matthews Student, Honors College, Biological Sciences
Ciera Duronslet & Marshal Moulis Chemistry PhD Students


Recipients Affiliation
Alma Dawson Russell B. Long Professor, Library & Information Science
Lisa Johnson Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Younghee Lim Associate Professor, Social Work
John Scalzo Instructor, Electrical Engineering
Yejun Wu Assistant professor, Library & Information Science
Connections for Life Community Partner, Karen Stagg
Highland Elementary School Community Partner, Kaye Van Sickle
Betsy Irvine Executive Director, Louisiana Delta Service Corps
Sandy Joslyn MPA Student
Mary Hannah Prevot Art Student


Recipients    Affiliation   
Sharon Andrews Instructor, English
Hope Diwan Everyone Reads and VIPS
Jennifer Jolly Assistant Professor, Educational Theory, Policy and Practice
Barrett Kennedy Faculty, Architecture
University Presbyterian Church University Outreach Ministry
Summer Steib Director of Education and Training, Capital Area Family Violence Intervention Center
LSU Student Govenment  
Nicole Walker Student, Biological Engineering
Millena Williams Student, Mass Communication
Partnership between Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and LSU Pat Robinson and Dot Thibodeaux (GRG),  Ann Martin and Deborah Normand (LSU)